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Thread: no energy

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    , , Ireland.

    no energy

    please help. i have woke up this morning and feel as if someone has come in the middle of the night and ripped me of what little energy i had.

    my stomach feels all wrong and my legs feel as though the blood is draining from them. i have my lovely chest pains and feel as though i am not gettin enough breath.

    also my hands are tingly warm and red with white spots.

    period? nervous symptoms? heart failing as we speak?

    have any of you experienced any of this, im so afraid because im at home with the kids alone, husband away till tomorrow

    please help, but if you feel the hand thing is a hint that my heart is not functioning then dont say for i would die at the thought of it even though this is what i feel it is

    thanks for listening


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    I get the funny spots on my hands too, they are more blotchy with me though. I think its to do with the oxygen levels in our blood because of the way we breathe when anxious. I feel really weak and tired alot too so dont worry your not alone, proberbly just fatigue.
    I know this proberbly wont help as you are already in the worry cycle but its just anxiety trying too scare you (which its really good at)
    We all jump to the worst possible conclusion and i have thought i had alsorts of things wrong with my health in the past. Concentrating on symptoms does make them worse, i have proven this to myself.
    Try not to let it beat you down, challenge the thoughts with positive more rational ones.
    Sorry i couldn't be more help.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    , , Ireland.
    poppy more help than youll ever no.

    just enough to respond and share your own experience

    cheers again jackie

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hey Jackie, thanks for reply to mine. I hope you aree starting to feel better now, good luck, Sus, xx

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  5. #5
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.

    I have experienced all of your symptoms over the last few weeks. Like you I was convinced there was something terribly wrong with me that I even took myself to hospital. Having had all the tests the doctors said that I was fine. This still hasn't stopped the pains in my chest, arms and stomach. I get tingling or pins and needles in my hands, legs and stomach. It's just something now that I am able to live with and in the main ignore. I'm postive there is nothing wrong with you but would suggest that you get yourself looked at by the doctor. I'm sure he will confirm this which will put your mind at rest. There is some great advice on these sort of symptoms here and some really good people who like me know exactly what you are going through. It does and will get better, you just need a little encouragement. Just keep thinking positive.


  6. #6
    Join Date
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    , , Ireland.
    marko thanks very much. is it just a matter of believing what you are being told and not always thinking theve missed something.

    often when i ship myself to casualty, as im leaving with a clean bill of health and hypocondrac on my forehead, im already holding my chest in fear of the symptoms that never leave

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.

    I did the same thing having had the all clear from a stress test. The trouble with our sort of sypmtoms is that it's all very well people telling you that you are OK but at the end of the day it's you that has to convince you. Think of this way. If the the brain can convince you that you are unwell it can also convince you that you are great. I think it needs encouragement in the form of positive thoughts. I have done this by changing my lifestyle. I have improved my diet, taken up more regular exercise and make sure that I get a good night sleep. I also write down a lot of things. by doing this I have been able to see that I now have more good days than bad. That makes me feel good as I know I am moving in the right direction. I also do a lot of breathing and stretching exercises as the pains are muscular. You will get through this and sooner than you think. Just keep as positive as you can.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Jackie,

    How are you since our talk.
    I will pm you.
    Remember we are all here for you.


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  9. #9
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.

    These are anxiety symptoms and they are familiar to me too.

    Every morning I wake up tired with heavy eyes. Almost every day without fail, I have tingling hands which gradually wear off, but then still feel the tension. As the day progresses, that gets better too.

    I have had generalised anxiety for over two years and panic attacks for much longer and so the chest pains are quite familiar to me too, as is the warm feeling of the body. Its all anxiety.

    I have found that it only takes a small amount of extra worry or stress to take us down and put us all out of kilter. My breathing went all wrong the other day because of that, and that just adds to our worries.

    Have you tried breathing exercises as a daily ritual?

    It takes an awful lot for us to realise that these pains are just anxiety. I have been to hospital three times with a "suspect heart", but not since 2001, and I don't think I've rung NHS Direct for a year now, as I'm gradually convincing myself that I'm not in danger, but its not easy.

    Take Care,


    And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
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  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    , , Ireland.
    ray well done for not going to a&e long may that last

    youre right it takes a while to truly convince ourselves its"only anxiety"

    i hope one day to dance. i hope we all do.

    once again thanks


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