Just a point of interest for those who have been told they could possibly have Gallstones related pain.

I suffered from this about 2 years ago and after a scan (eventually), no actual gallstones were visible. That is to say, until I was told to move over onto my side whilst the doctor held the scanner on the area. It was then noticed that I had very small crystals but nothing very big to justify the agony I was suffering.

However, small gallstones can be just as troublesome as large ones because they tend to migrate or move around.

But, the interesting point here is that after my gallbladder removal (which incidently was completely painless) my symptoms still persisited for over a year. My surgeon informed me that the gallbladder was very inflamed but they did NOT remove any stones!

Now I am not saying that my gallbladder did not have to be removed but considering they left the stones/crystals behind (which obviously disappear on their own accord or at least I bloody well hope so) it was later queried by me as to whether I needed the operation in the first place?

It was then presumed that my 'inflammed' gallbladder was probably the result of too much acidity in my stomach causing the discomfort rather than actual gallstones.

Sound familiar?

I'm not saying this is the case in everyone suffering from this diagnosis, but unless you have actually been scanned and gallstones are seen to be the major cause then consider that acid may also be one of the culprits.

Obviously, I am not a doctor and therefore always follow your GPs advice, but it's just a thought.