Hi Everyone

I have been on these pills for like about nearly 6 months or so and not really sure about them. I was hoping they might sort things out for me regarding the periods and that, hmmm. Not helping so far . Sorry if TMI, I seem to be spotting everyday, and have like period pains, feeling sick and back pain on a regular basis. Not happy one bit. I am just getting sick of it.

My dr did mention if I wanted to see a specialist or something but im not so sure. Just stressing about the whole thing. It doesn't help the place where I have to go is about 15 miles away in a city, and have to get the bus.

When I went to the local hospital and had tests there she was like rude and horrible and we ended up arguing, and saw specialists there and she like old school style, aprupt and that, not very friendly.

Sorry not sure why I even posted, I guess to get it off my chest, but it will still be going around my brain all of the time. Stressing and worrying about everything.
