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Thread: help me, do i have a brain tumour

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    help me, do i have a brain tumour

    I am 21 and had a baby 4 months ago, for the past 4 weeks i have been suffering headaches and pressure in my head,face and eyes, the doctor thought it was sinusitis, i had antibiotics which helped but i still have head pains although not as bad, but i now am having a feeling of heaviness and aches in my arms and legs and face occassionally my face can feel tingly and full too., and i have also felt nauseas sometimes, my head pains tend to get worse as the day goes on, i am petrified that i have a brain tumour and i know that i can overreact my husband thinks it is stress related as for the past 6 months have been very depressed and stressed, can anyone shed some light on this.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi there and welcome aboard.

    If the doctor has checked you over then try not to worry about a brain tumour.

    Headaches are very common with stress as well ...

    tender spots on head
    Tension headaches!
    ongoing headaches
    Big HELLO and warm wishes to everyone
    New User - Pressure in head

    Hope you get some support on here.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    , , Ireland.
    having a baby no matter how prepared you were or how much you looked forward to it, can have all sorts of effects on us and our mind and body.

    as nic says if your doc has checked you out then it is highly unlikely that he missed anything.

    if you take a look in the health anxiety section and the symptoms page you will see how many of us complain of this pressure in our heads. also i suffer almost always with sinus problems. i think these too are related to the way we feel mentally

    you are also tired and probably not eating as well as you should as the baby takes up your life at the minute. it is true that we are what we eat and i definitely struggle with anxiety symptoms when i havent eaten and or slept right

    i too ahd a baby 7 months ago and they are hard work i know. try to keep yourself well nourished and rested, tough i know but essential for getting yourself mended

    meanwhile i will learn to practice what i


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    I have suffered with headaches (24/7) for the last couple of years due to anxiety.

    It took me about a year to come to terms with the headache being caused through anxiety and to belive in my doctor.

    Like the previous messages, your doctor would tell if a tumor is present and they would not put there job on the line.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hiya chezed19

    Well here she is the girl who has made the record breakers...yep thats ,me chezed i have had every terminal illness and i am still living.. amazing.. i have beat the odds and survived all.

    All those symtoms you have had darling i have had them... few years back i was so bad, i was actually having bad miagraines and being sick too with it,trust me if you did have a brain tumour you would really really know about it.
    Stress and depression has a strong hold on us love, and can give us all sorts of unpleasant nasty physical pains,and yes they are real and yes you do feel them,but no they cant hurt you. i get pressure in my head every day its an awlful i understand sweety
    I am sorry that you are feeling so down and awful, i hate to see people so scared when i know that feeling ,,, i feel it every day.
    Whe you keep telling yourself that there is something wrong,the sad thing is you feed your mind with its favourite food and that my dear is FEAR.... it love it ... try and try your best to do something that may take your mind of it, i know that sounds Bulls***t sometimes when ya feel so bad you dont want to do anything,but sitting thinking on it will hurt you more.

    ash x

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