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Thread: Dad in hospital with irregular heartbeat - need advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    Dad in hospital with irregular heartbeat - need advice

    My dad has been feeling unwell for about 3 weeks - Tuesday after we had someone come out to look at him as he couldn’t walk without getting out of breath - he’s been in hospital since Tuesday afternoon. He has medication for water retention which has worked quite a lot but still needs to get rid of a bit more.

    Today they said it’s down to an irregular heartbeat and they are trying to sort out medication. But to do that they have him on a heart monitor to see which medication reacts the best.

    Being on the heart monitor is what has made my anxiety so bad! Has anyone else been through this kind of thing or know anything? I am so scared he will die of a heart attack! Please need some advice!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Dad in hospital with irregular heartbeat - need advice

    My dad was in the hospital twice with afib. The first time I think he just went to the doctor because he had a cold and the doctor told him he was in afib and sent him to the ER, the second it happened again and so he went in himself.

    The heart is complex of course, so I’m not sure if this will be the same as what your dad is going though, but with mine they got him on meds, then needed to change them, and so far he’s been fine after getting the right dose.

    It is really scary, I agree. But it sounds like he’s in good hands and they’ll get to the bottom of it.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Re: Dad in hospital with irregular heartbeat - need advice

    Irregular heartbeat is an electrical wiring issue in the body. It sounds scary, but doctors know how to fix this. He's in good hands so there's nothing to worry about. A heart attack is completely different to an irregular heartbeat btw.

    Relax, he's in the best place possible and they'll fix him up.
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