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Thread: Ladies!! Not sure whre to post this one?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Ladies!! Not sure whre to post this one?

    I had my Mirena coil taken out monday after 5 years. Trying for another babe. Has anyone had probs with this before. I woke up last night, blood everywhere and clotting (Sorry). Feel very hot and cold aswell.

    Also at the same time stopped amitryptilene and have reduced paroxitine to every other day ( All on advise of doctor).

    At the moment I feel absolutely C**P in my body.

    Has any else had the Mirena removed with issues like mine.

    Any advise would be really good please.

    Emma x

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: Ladies!! Not sure whre to post this one?

    Sounds like you have a sight infection.
    Call Nhs direct 0845 46 47 for advice but try not to worry just rest.
    -My Life.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Ladies!! Not sure whre to post this one?


    Been to docs, on 2 types of anti biotics, he thinks it could be womb and uterus infection ( sounds scary) . Also coming off the paroxitine, could make me feel rough.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Ladies!! Not sure whre to post this one?

    wow, glad your getting it sorted

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Ladies!! Not sure whre to post this one?

    Thanks for the replies, I would be interested if anyone has had this though. Ressurance maybe? Please PM me, if you dont wish to post on public

    Thank you


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Ladies!! Not sure whre to post this one?

    Emma-I have had pelvic inflammatory disease, which is basically an infection that sounds a lot like yours--I still dont know what caused it as it is usually caused by an STD and I had none. It was the worst pain I have ever experienced. Fever, entire body aches, exhaustion, and pain in the uterine area to where I couldnt stand move, anything. I imagine its what giving birth feels like!
    Anyway, I dont have any mirena coil experience, but I do know germs and infections can travel into your womb, even up to the fallopian tubes and ovaries, and many many women have suffered from these infections, although I would say your odds of getting them are usually quite rare and treatment is pretty much 100% effective and you will be fine afterwards! So right now you are on the right course with the meds and taking care of yourself, resting, etc. And you will be back trying for a baby in no time. However, I did have to wait until my anti-bs were gone and I had a period again before I could have sex just to give it time to heal and let my period clean out all the old infected tissue.
    Sorry to be so graphic but just though it might be useful to you. Let me know if you have any questions about it.
    Do not be afraid any longer, but believe. Everything is possible to the one who believes.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Ladies!! Not sure whre to post this one?

    My mirena coil actually stopped working after five years. It started to break down ie it did not release any hormones any more. I had the same bleeding issues that you describe before it was removed. It sounds like you have had to deal with three major issues all at the same time. If feeling ill is to do with the amytryptiline withdrawal them maybe you should go back on it half a tablet alternate days? I'm sure your GP is giving you plenty of support with these issues and I wish you well with your attempt to try for another baby.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Ladies!! Not sure whre to post this one?


    Thanks for the replies.

    Lindz - Once the antibiotics have finished if it is PID, then should tht be the end of it?

    Elspeth - When you had the Mirena removed, how long after did you clot and bleed for. Mainly the clotting concerning me. Been 2 days of clotting.

    In myself, I think I am beginning to feel a lot better (fingers crossed). Feel better mentally for not having anything in my body. Also waiting for a smear result, which was done a couple of days before the coil was removed, so I guess that won't help. (Forgot about that). Also my period was due around now. LOL....

    Guess my body is wondering what has hit it.

    Ive lost 4lbs though, a few more stone would be good :-)

    Emma x

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