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Thread: pain in leg

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    , , Ireland.

    pain in leg

    i know i have posted on this befoe but i have had a pain in me leg for a few days now and yesterday i started to get all panicky and sweaty so i couldnt take the fear anymore and went to hospital

    they did blood pressure, normal, pulse, normal, oxygen levels, 100% and temperature, 36. they did a ecg which they said was normal and " perfect" chest xray all normal. they would not do a d dimer blood test as they said there was no need. but i cant help but feel they may have missed something

    i have woke up this morning coughing, or a feeling that im gonna and spat up a wee bit of blood, all of which ive done before but im putting 2 and 2 together and getting loads more

    nicola, meg , lisa, anyone who knows, do you think they could have missed it or does anyone know why they wouldnt have did it

    thanks in advance


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    , , Ireland.
    oh please does no body know if they did enough tests, im so worried


  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Jackie,

    Aww big (((((hugs))))) mate. I do feel for you, and I know how you feel, really I do.

    It sounds like they did enough tests to me, really it does. Nothing on your tests was abnormal apart from the 100% oxygen and that would be from hyperventilating. If you had a blood clot your oxygen levels would normally be lower than normal. If you had a blood clot your ECG would normally be abnormal as clots put strain on the left side of the heart if they get into the lungs and that would show on ECG. If you have a blood clot in your leg (DVT) they can usually tell just by feeling your calfs, and the calf would feel hard, hard calfs can be tight muscles too though so don't panic if you ever have a tight calf. D-dimers are only done if other tests show a clinical need, they are not done routinely as it is actually quite a specialised test. As you may remember I had a positive d-dimer and they still didn't think I had a clot, scared me to have it positive though I can tell you. D-dimers are only useful when negative, if positive it still doesn't confirm a clot. Jack they would have done it if they had thought it was necessary and they wouldn't have sent you home if they thought for one minute they had missed something. It sounds like you were fully checked out to me, really it does. Did they say anything about the leg pain e.g muscles etc?
    I believe you've had the cough before and spat up a tiny bit of blood too haven't you and your gp knows this and said not to worry? is that right?
    it is so easy to put two and two together....I'm doing that alot right now too. It's so hard when we have to realise this all comes down to our anxiety, but we can all beat this and we will one day.
    I hope this helps in some way, I am thinking of you.

    Love Lisa x

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    , , Ireland.
    lisa it really does. that doc says a d dimer is the most biggest waste of time, because a cold can even elevate it as can many other things, so it is definitely not a clot in your case either lisa.

    i have had the cough and blood before so you are right but we are so bad at being rational when it comes to feeling safe in our bodies

    can i ask what you mean about the 100% oxygen levels confirming hyperventilation. you havent freaked me im just curious can that indicate that because i was still unsure if i actually did it. actually that would be great news if that confirmed this as it would explain alot

    lisa thanks again, i know you know how hard it is to feel safe so thanks for getting back


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Jackie


    Im sure everything is going to be okay hun.

    Thinking of you

    Take Care


    Many People Will Walk
    In & Out Of Your Life
    But Only True Friends
    Will Leave Footprints
    In Your Heart

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Jackie,

    Yes d-dimer can be a waste of time except in certain situations, but even then it doesn't confirm anything alone. You're right any cold or infection can elevate it, although I didn't have a cold when tested, though that was back in September now. Mind you it took about three doctors and a cardiologist to calm be from that worry last year and it still crosses my mind occasionally if I get breathless. The doctor that ordered the test was told off as she shouldn't have done it as it only caused me more stress and a day in hospital.

    Anyway as far as the hyperventilation goes YES having 100% oxygen definitely means that you were hyperventilating, that is all it means. Most people have an oxygen level of 98/99%, obviously it fluctuates slightly but only goes to 100% if we are breathing wrong. When we hyperventilate we blow off too much carbon dioxide and are left with just oxygen, 100% is definately hyperventilaton.
    people with clots or lung problems would have much lower levels of oxygen not high levels.

    It is hard to feel safe, I do understand but we can learn in time. I have recovered 100% before with CBT so know I can again, you can do it too.

    Love Lisa x

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    , , Ireland.
    lisa thatnks. get yorself some of that cbt again, im gonna ask for it too

    thanks again , i am so glad you replied


  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Jackie,

    Yes definitely more CBT! Lol. Funny you should say that my doctor is trying to sort it for me on the NHS as we have a new CBT team in this area and she thinks she may be able to get me seen soon. I have been turned down for NHS CBT twice in the past and when I was much more anxious than I am now. I had some privately and have spent about £1500 in total last year and two years ago but can't keep spending £96 a session!
    My private CBT lady said there's no point me having more as I know everything there is to know now but having the support of the actual therapist still helps.

    I hope you manage to get some sorted out too, then we can all get over this horrible anxiety.

    Take care mate,


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    hi jackie

    how are you feeling now better i hope

    when my hubby was in hospital there was a man in the next bed with a blood clot .the pain he was in was so bad he couldent walk and his leg was realy red and itchy inflamed i do realy think they have done all the tests that would tell them there isent a clot there thank goodness i to worry about things all the time and blow most small problems into huge illnesses not that i am saying you are lol just i can understand how you are feeling my hubby brings up blood sometimes and he has been to the doc had xrays done and he is fine sead it was common for people to bring up a bit of blood when you have a coughing fit
    see how you go on this week and go back to the doc if you still feel ill just to reasure youself
    jodie xx

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    , , Ireland.
    je wiz ill have to get meself spelling lessons, how many mistakes have i made


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