1st post
iv had health anxiety for as long as i can remember- im 29 married with 3 kids, it seems to have got worse since i had the kids .
my health anxiety is always around cancer ....
any symptoms i get, i always google and cancer is always in there on search results :(
at first i was worried about cervical and ovarian cancer- well any "womans" cancer then i started worrying everytime i had a headache/ sore throat/ etc ...
this year though i havnt been as bad as i realise i have 3 kids to look after and its not good for them so i tried to relax which went on for about 4month...
then 11 days ago i started feeling spaced out , my speech was ok though.. just didnt feel like it was me talking to my husband..
this carried on the next 2 days, i googled it and came across brain cancer virtual trials.... i then began having a weird feeling in the left side of my head- not a headache, more of a pressure type feeling which was only on the left, that was on the tues night and still have it now, however the feelings are different , the other night i felt like someone was brushing the left side of my head, then i felt tingling and have had diziness feelings in my head however im not dizzy.
on 2 seperate occasions last thursday i could smell smoke, like someone around me was smoking -however i was at home and no one smokes in my house... this really freaked me out as strange smells is also a symptom.
another symptom is seizires which could be a twitch, i woke on fri morning and my left leg was twitching, i went straight to A&E doctor there did some neurological test and said i seemed fine, i then went to opticians and paid extra for a picture of the back of my eyes, this to turned out to be ok , the opticiam said my left eye seems weaker than my right eye and i should wear glasses for reading/tv etc. they are on a 2 week wait.
i still wasnt convinced that im fine , my appointment with gp was this morning, couldnt get in to see my gp so seen a locum, he wasnt amused at all with me, i could tell he didnt believe me, he did some neurological tests and bascially said oh from your notes you have a history of assuming you have cancer, theres nothing wrong with you, he then gave me a prescription for paroxetine, which i have now ripped up....
so im back to square 1- sitting stressing whats wrong with me ????
i should be out having fun with kids, not googling :(