Hi all

It's been a while since I've been on here, hope everyone is doing well.

The anxiety is alot better and with the help of beta blockers I rarely have a panic attack. But...just one prob, i've been living with my fiance for 3 years having moved from Worcester to Warwick. I love Warwick, I love my job, have good friends at work I just feel so lonely.

I speak to friends from Worcsester (but they are all people i used to work with) on email or through text and we meet up about twice a year for a meal but I don't really have any close friends here. I met up with friends from Worcester in March and got so nervous as there was a large group of us so I felt I was a failure after that with not being able to talk much. I feel guilty for feeling sorry for myself but keep beating myself up by thinking i'm a sad person for not having any friends and others will think that of me too. My evenings & weekends consist of spending time with my fiance which i love as we get on so well or my family but i feel ashamed that i don't have many friends. I think the social phobia gets in the way like it always has done and wish I had more confidence to make new friends but it's knowing how to. Friends at work are great but they all have their own friends outside of work and I feel envious of them which i know is wrong.

I had lots of friends when I was young, but as soon as I left school lost contact with them all through one thing and another.

Just don't down know to go about this, any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.


'Everyone believes very easily whatever they fear or desire'