I posted recently about having hot flushes in my face that make me panic and shake I saw my GP and he said it was anxiety and I panicked at the hot feeling in the face causing a slight panic attack.

I have gone 2 weeks without having a panic attack, I saw my GP Thursday and he said I am doing well. He thinks it is all due to my Nan passing in July and I am really not getting close to getting over it, I am not sleeping at all, I am lucky to get 3-4 hours and then I am awake for the rest of the night. I have 3 children so I am finding it really hard without sleep.

My GP also said lack of sleep can make you feel hot and tired in the eyes and he said that is possibly why my temples and forehead feel warm at times, then I panic one of the 'attacks' are going to hit so my cheeks flush too. Do you think tiredness could cause this? I suddenly just go warm one one side usually, sometimes both, in the temple and cheeks. I am learning not to panic now as my GP has tried to reassure me I am fit and healthy and hot flushes do not mean anything serious and I am only 33 so it isn't the menopause