Hello guys

I went to my GP yesterday for the first time regarding social/general anxiety. To cut a long story short, im a 22 year old guy and have suffered anxiety for as long as i can remember, gets to a point where it can just be unbearable at times. My GP has prescribed me with Half-Inderal LA 80mg slow release tablets and he's putting me forward for CBT. Im starting to feel positive about the future now.

The thing is, i have a problem. I am absolutely petrified of taking these tablets. I was going to take my first one this morning but i just freaked out! I was going through some Propanolol threads on hear last night and it just got me very worried. Im just a bit scared of the side effects and i have it it in my head that this is too high a dose? I have the packet right next to me and i dont know what to do. Please help.

Can i ask what everyone elses expeiences are when taking the meds for the very first time?