hi everyone,

I am new to the forum and appreciate any support guidance you can give me.

Essentially I became a mother a couple of years ago and since then I have had a fear of death and dying (particularly because my cousin died of cancer when her children were very young).

After an extremely stressful year, I went to the doctor with fatigue concerns and general aches and pains all over my body. At the time they were particularly noticeable in my underarms and breasts, so of course I become paranoid about breast cancer. After that fear was alleviated, i then worried about leukemia / lymphoma - my general aches and pains continued, plus by then i was losing quite a bit of weight from not eating etc. All this fed my anxiety.

Anyway, during my period of aches and pains, I found my left leg was jerking quite a bit - especially at night when i was lying down. At the time, a friend joked that maybe I had MS and this was the start of my spiral. Since then, I have become aware of a noticeable tremor in both hands (when i hold my hand out or grip things), plus i am getting muscle twitches (largely in right calf but intermittently elsewhere) and my fingers jerk / feet jerk when at rest. I also have an odd pain in my left arm (either side of my elbow) that comes intermittently is quite intense and almost ripping like. I can actually see the muscle twitches as they happen in my right leg.

So here I am. The good news is i am less worried about MS. The bad news is i am now fixated on ALS. I have no clinical weakness or apparent atrophy. But the twitches are there and so are the tremors.

I guess my question to everyone is does this sound typical of BFS onset? Can anxiety trigger and mimic symptoms so similar to ALS / MS? Do any of my health concerns seem worth following up or should I try to push myself through it?

I find it is engulfing me at present. I start feeling like yes this is anxiety, and then the twitches start of i see the tremors and I instantly go back to 'my god i have als and wont see my children grow up' land.

Thanks in advance.
