Hi all

Ive had an awful time anxiety wise lately, and what happened today has made me 100 times worse. So, if you can, please help me.

I had a mjor emergency op 18months ago, this is when my HA started. Because of the HA Ive been in and out of A+E over the past 18months and had numerous chest xrays.

Since Feb, the chest xrays have all said 'heart on the upper limits of normal' and even 'slight enlargement of the heart'. My GP wasnt worried. I was. Why had it been normal before and then since Feb last year say that my heart was larger?The only thing I could link it to was I started Pregabalin (Epilepsy drug also used for anxiety) in Feb.

I pushed my GP and he ordered a BNP blood test to test for heart disease. It was negative - and way below negative. I must have had at least 10 ECGs in the past year and all have apparently been normal.

He ordered me an EchoCardiogram. I had that today. I was almost convinced it would be normal from having the tests previously....and when I went in was calm etc. I explained to the radiographer that I have severe HA and that it all stems from the op I had.

She was chatting away normally to me about random things during the scan, then she stopped, bit her lip as if to take a closer look at the screen, and said "So...youve never trained in the past as an athlete? or done intense marathon training?" I said "NO" and she said "Hmmm....." and carried on with the scan.

Now I know that Athletes can have abnormally enlarged hearts - and Im not an athlete. So i must have an enlarged heart for some horrible reason, and Im so scared now.

I dont get the report for a whole WEEK! It goes to my GP. I am so upset I need to know. I feel like Im going to die. My chest is tight and now instead of me thinking its anxiety, I think it must be my heart.

Im 29 and reasonably healthy. I havent done much exercise at all since the op (major abdominal surgery to save my life) and am on Pregabalin(coming off it now!), Mirtazapine (just started), Esomeprozole and Cerezette (Mini Pill)

Please please if you can, could someone help? Im supposed to go to work tomorrow and just get on as normal and Im so scared.

Charlotte x