Hi all! Just wanted to share a bit about my experience with Citalopram. My GP put me on it about 6 weeks ago for panic and anxiety.

After 5 weeks of taking the drug, I became very depressed. I was crying all the time (mostly out of fear, I think, rather than sadness), highly anxious, vomiting, I had diarrhea (sorry if it's TMI but it's a symptom), jaw clenching, tension headaches, fatigue, walking around like a zombie...

So I decided to get off the drug. The very first day of cutting my dose in half, I felt a million times better. I was able to go out and do things rather than being trapped in the bed.

I went to the doctor yesterday, concerned about why it was making me feel that way, and she told me I had a fairly serious case of Serotonin Syndrome (which is deadly, btw). She said that my GP should NOT have given me Citalopram for anxiety and panic since I was not depressed at all when she gave it to me. So basically, I had an overload of serotonin in my body, and let me tell you.. it was probably the scariest experience of my life.

So if there's ANYONE out there who experiences these symptoms (not mild nausea, which is simply a side effect), like vomiting, worsening depression and anxiety, etc, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get off the medication and go to the doctor!!!

I just wanted to put this on here so that people will be aware that Serotonin Syndrome is possible in even small doses of this drug (I was only taking 20mg).

By the way, has anyone else experienced this before?