I haven't been on this site for a long while but in the past people on here have been so helpful. I am back due to worries about the following: I have had a small lump in the top half of my right armpit for possibly a few months (I'm not totally sure), I never really ever notice it, a couple of months ago it got really big and was obviously full of pus which came out very easily. After the pus came out the lump went down to the size of a pea and has stayed the same. In my mind this has always been a sweat gland or harmless lymph node but over the last week I've been wondering if it's just been there too long? Has my attempt to try and not panic about things caused me to be totally ignorant about something serious?
It does not hurt, i can get hold of the small lump and pull it around slightly. My mind is going insane, thinking it's male breast cancer, hodgkins disease, a sympton of hiv...Am going to try and get an appointment with the doctor, just so scared that i have been ignorant and now could be in real danger. The old anxiety symptons are back full force...Any help/comments much appreciated. xx