Hi everyone, first time poster here.

First of all I have searched for a Dosulepin section in the Meds board and can't find it? If I have missed it, mods, please move it there.

I have been taking Dosulepin for coming upto two years now. I sustained a serious injury around three and a half years ago and despite trying to cope with it I realised I could not so I consulted with my doctor and he put me on a 75mg dose of Dosulepin once a day. I had tried several other anti-depressants previously and they all gave me serious bouts of dizziness and "depersonalisation". Dosulepin was the only one that didn't give me these problems.

I reduced my dosage to 25mg a day about a year ago and have been fine at that dose ever since. I recently spoke to my doctor and he said considering I was on such a low dose that was in his words "basically just a sleeping pill at that dose" he encouraged me to see how I was off the medication.

So for the past two weeks I have been taking 25mg every other day (one day on one day off). Today is the start of the third week of me doing this. The hope being I can then take one every three days for a week or two then stop.

Everything seemed fine until last Friday (5th April) were I had what seemed like an all day panic attack exactly like the ones I was having when I was prescribed the medication. Since Friday I have been consumed with panic, anxiety, breathlessness and "depersonalisation", symptoms I haven't had since beginning the drug. I am still taking 25mg every other day.

My question is to people who have experience of this drug and stopping it. Is this likely to continue or is this just withdrawal symptoms that should level out? I'm scared that this means something has been altered in my brain and I'll probably never be able to come off this drug.

Many thanks for any help.