Hi everyone, I've only just found this site and it seems to be just what I need to keep me sane!
For more years than I can remember I've had runs of ectopic heartbeats which have scared the life out of me - I'm usually fine for several months then suddenly there they are again. I get 3 or 4 ectopics in a row, which feels like my heart is completely irregular - this can happen every few beats, or every few minutes, no real pattern. I've had some awful nights, convinced I'd wake up dead!! This goes on for a few months then fades away. No idea why. Had ECG's, 24 hour monitor, which on the third try actually caught some of the blighters, and the docs said "You ARE having ectopics ([Duh!]but they are nothing to worry about." That's ok then! Tried atenolol and propranolol (I think) and now on bisoprolol - but nothing stops them.
I'm really trying to ignore them, but it's very hard. I don't have any big anxieties - apart from these things! - and my husband is very supportive. It's great to know other people have the same problems, I feel very alone sometimes.
I'd like to tell you all about a fantastic book called Self Help for your Nerves, by Dr Claire Weekes. It's published by Thorsons (Harper/Collins) and is so helpful, really easy to read and makes such a lot of sense - I keep it handy for when I get too worried. It's far the best book I've seen.
I tried to download Meg's info on palpitations etc but can't make it all fit on my paper - all the right hand side misses off - not technically minded, anyone suggest anything?!
Sorry it's so long, hope I strike a chord with someone!