Hi guys, lets try this again. Trying to post whilst distracted is not a good idea.

Been to my doctor today, she had a look in my mouth and throat and said she can see no abnormalities or anything that she thinks could be pre-cancerous. What I didnt realise is that she is a trainee doctor (though that doesn't mean she doesn't know what she is talking about of course). She had a senior doctor assessing her today and asked for his opinion as I have a very slight white coating on my tongue. Apparently it's geographic tongue, which I thought lasted for months when I've had it for years. But it's not dangerous so that's a good thing.

I have an appointment next week as she wants to check my shoulder and spine out properly and see what to do in the sense of referrals.

Also she doesn't want me on any meds for my anxiety, as both my mother (who also suffers from HA), and my auntie (depression) have both been on different brands and they don't seem to help in anyway or make the problems worse. And whilst the way my brain works isn't particularly healthy, I'm not too keen on taking something that changes the way your brain works for you.

She is seeing about getting me in to see a cognitive therapist. I've read both good and bad things about this kind of therapy, so I'm a little apprehensive as to what to expect.