Hi I have had 'bad nerves' for over 15 years, on my good days I can talk to others with similar problems and I try to help, being an 'old hand' as it were, but then like this morning I am looking for a little re assurance myself. The problem this morning was really fast heart beats and then.............................................. ........nothing for what seemed like ages and then fast until it all slowed down to 'normal', I had a Great Daqy yesterday with my family and really enjoyed myself. The day before however it all whent wrong, missed meetings, car broke down etc etc. Does any one else get 'delayed reaction'? I can look back and can see this happenes to me a lot, even typing here is helping me see it. I will be stressed for a couple of days, get it sorted - whatever is the cause - have a good relaxing happy day and then the day after whack, it's like somone or something waiting until I am iff guard and saying 'hey sucker I am still here'. Anyone elese get delayed reactions like this?. Thanks
