Had an abdominal ultrasound the other`day and my doc says everything is fine, no concerns whatsoever and to stop worrying about it. Yet my stomach still hurts from time to time and it causes alot of anxiety - feel like I'm losing my mind. One minute I am totally calm, almost happy again, then my mind reminds me my stomach hurts and I start shaking again. Even now as i write this I don't know if my stomach actually hurts or not - does that make sense?

He told me if my stomach still hurts in a week or so then he would do more tests but does not in anyway believe I have the big C in my stomach or anywhere else for that matter. He is fully aware of my HA and is very compassionate about it.

How does one tell from actual discomfort from that caused by anxiety? Since March I thought I have had bladder, kidney, testicular cancer and now I am focusing on the stomach. I know how irrational this is but can't stop the thoughts.

Sorry for the long post.