Hi all.
Just another question after an awful, awful night's sleep. Do video games make harm OCD better or worse? From my experience I'd say worse, but I can't find too much on it on Google.

I was playing the latest Tomb Raider last night and completed it at 73% (which got a high-five from my gamer husband!) but I found it made my Harm OCD absolute hell. i read somewhere online that video games require concentration and can distract from OCD, but I wouldn't say so, I'd say it kept adding more thoughtsto my messed up brain.

I got called away at 6 for dinner and felt the urge to randomly stab my husband with the dinner knife. I was so full of adrenaline that my urges seemed to be 10x worse. I kept telling myself it's just OCD, but the tears were streaming down my face for the best part of 5 hours last night, my poor husband doesn't know what to do with me at times!

Some of the fight scenes were really anxiety-provoking, like blasting enemies with a shotgun and a fight scene in which you use your pickaxe to kill a bad guy. I tried a sudoku puzzle, looking at Cheezburger and having a giggle there but nothing would relieve my anxiety. It was so bad again I thought I would act on my urges.

I'm only taking my 40mg propranolol when the urges seem really bad now. I was merely tearful last night, but when things seem really bad I'll be using them. I was on them all last week and absolutely naff all got done. They help for sure, but there's a heck of a lot to do in my home today!

Has anyone else got any insight? Was it just the wrong kind of video game to be playing? I want to combat my OCD sooner rather than later as we're renewing our vows in 5 years and I can't have it ruin a second ceremony. Im going to really be getting on with some chores and decorating this week so I'm hoping achieving will help combat my thoughts.

Thanks all

MrsS x