I just went to the doctors for heart palpitations which caused me to gasp for air, among other small things, one being I got an achy tight squeezing feeling in my left arm a couple days ago.
She said it's most likely anxiety but she'll do full blood tests the next time I come in.
I'm going in again on Friday, but right now my arm is freaking me out again.
It feels a little more painful than last time, from my index finger all the way up to the middle of my upper arm.
My younger sister leaned on me earlier today and the same arm went tingly, so I thought at first maybe it was that but it didn't hurt till an hour afterwards.
Also, my index finger is aching along with my arm this time and the time before?
I've been trying to stay away from google because it just makes me more panicked.
First thought in my mind was heart attack but it's been about 25 minutes, so now my heads yelling blood clot, can those happen in arms?