I have recently started exercising again after about four years of not bothering and putting on a lot of weight. I am already starting to feel so much better about myself, getting out of the house in the evenings rather than coming home from work and crashing in front of the tv. I have been going to aqua-aerobics classes and recently discovered that I quite like playing badminton so Dave and I have been playing once a week, sometimes more.

As I said I am starting to feel the benefits already, however one thing worries me. When I am doing aqua aerobics I feel great because it is gentle on your body. However I have found that when I am playing badminton, I start feeling unreal again, and it soon subsides when I rest. It might be something to do with all the bending down to pick up the shuttlecock, or just the fact that I am exercising after so long. Maybe I am overdoing it.

Anyway- does anyone else get this- do you find that when you are exercising it makes your head feel funny/unreal?

Julia x

'Never be afraid to try- remember, amateurs buit the Ark...professionals built the Titanic'