Hi and sorry to bother people again?

I suffer from health anxiety, to which I have had headaches and frequent urination symptoms in the past.
The reason I'm on the forum is that I'm worrying again and getting myself into a mess, which I want to try and avoid.
I do not want to bother the doctor again, so I was asking for any reassurance as I do not want to google my symptoms.

The reason I ask, I have been woken up with chronic stomach ache several times over the past 6 months, needing the toilet to relieve the pain, which can take up to 30 minutes and several trips to the toilet, then I get back to sleep and I'm ok in the morning.

Last night it happened again and I have been worrying about it all day (as health sufferers do) and I seem to of had the stomach feeling all day (properly anxiety) and I'm worrying about the dreaded C word.
IF IT WAS THE C WORD, SURLY THE PAIN WOULD BE CHRONIC ALL THE WHILE, this is what i keep saying to myself anyway.

Could anybody inform me if anxiety can cause the stomach to ache and is it a common symptoms of anxiety?
