Well i just thought i would fill you all in on whats happening with me so far.

i have been off my anti d's for about 3 weeks so far and i am not doing too bad, i have had the odd day where i dont feel right but miracles dont happen overnight do they. i can only try and see if i feel ok and up to now i am fine

In three weeks i am also going to a health farm for the day and night which is something that i am looking forward to but also a liitle frightened as i have never really been away from home without my partner since i have had all this anxiety apart from holidays with him and the kids, i am going with my sister in law and my mum and so hopefully i will get pampered and feel really relaxed. but that is just the taster as i am going away again on my own on september 2nd to see "Robbie williams in glasgow" which i am really looking forward and again staying overnight. then in october off to Tenerife for 10 days for a family holiday

its like its all or nothing with me at the moment and all i can say is that i am having a good time and i am just taking one day at a time.

i cant believe that 1 year agao or even 6 months ago i wouldnt have done anything like this, i remember booking tickets to see robbie williams in november and the fear then about staying away from home was tremendous.

i have somehow from somewhere got the courage to do things and i have taken things very slowly and at my own pace but with a little encouragement from friends and family i feel as though i am on the road to recovery, (well for now anyway) and it feels good.

thanks for reading i hope that this gives others the insperation and confidence that they may need.

tkae care

ruth x x x