Im so sick of feeling ill all the time. I had a quite a good weekend and today my head has felt horrible, ive had pressure in my head all day, and felt sick on and off. It makes me want to scream/cry. Im so scared i might have a brain tumor or something terminal. I don't even feel as if anxiety is bringing it on. But the other part of my wonders if it is anxiety. Ive been through dizzyness, had my heart checked and been convinced I couldnt breathe and now i've had this for the past month or two. I feel so ill everyday at work I dont know what to do. Im so scared of dying. I have a doctors appointment next monday but don't know whether to go to the walk in surgery tomorrow - they say its for emergencies so im worried they will say they dont think it is one. Ive just changed to a new doctors (cos I moved) so I don't know what the doctors are like/whether they will be nice and help me or just say its probally nothing. I haven't been diagnosed with anxiety, everytime I went to my old doctors they said it could be anxiety/stress but never really gave me any answers. I just want to know why i'm feeling like this, but I'm scared in case its something really bad that cant be cured [V]