Hi after suffering a huge panic attack in October2004 I was eventually adnitted to hospital and diagnosed with labyrinthitis (viral dizziness)and given medication for that.

As a result of that I became kind of agoraphobic. In hindsight maybe there was no viral illness and I has some sort of breakdown? I dont know. Any way the doctor prescribed me valium twice on a low dosage but I saved them for emergencies and didnt really want to get in the habit of taking them.

I have been back several times to the doctors but am getting worse not better. he says go out loads and you will get back in the swing of things. i have managed to stay working and am not too bad while i am there but at home I am a nervous wreck for NO REASON!

I have just had enough and feel my children would have a happier, more exciting life without me weighing them down with all this rubbish. I have a nice home, job, healthy happy children and a supportive family so know i am lucky so why am I so ungrateful by ot being happy. This permanent anxiety and worry about nothing in particular is starting to really affect me now.

I tried this morning to take my daughter into town for her school uniform and had to turn back as was shaking, feeling faint and sick and had already suffered 'tummy trouble' at the thought of going(sorry to be crude).

Tomorrow I am going to the doctors and this time i want help.Could anyone offer me any advice about what I could suggest to my doctor if he tries to fob me off again as I am quite timid. i would really appreciate any advice. I dont know what i would do if he tried to send me to a 3rd party as i wouldnt be able to go with all the panic.

Sorry to be so pathetic and depressing but I am having a really bad day.