Hi Everyone,

Am having my first major period of anxiety / panic for about four years.

Over the years I have had a lot of different types of anxiety and panic and during the last major bout (4 years ago), I started starting Citalopram 20mg which I am still taking now.

My life is pretty busy and stressful but I thought I was managing it well. Then I went and bought a puppy (with my wife) and for some reason it has thrown me over edge. Now I am waking up with anxiety everyday, struggling to get up and go to work, finding virtually all situations fear inducing and that every day is a fight. This all started about a week ago.

My symptoms are:

1. feeling shaky
2. teary and depressed / sad
3. frequent waves of fear
4. occasional tingling in fingers
5. loss of appetite

Thing I am trying to do to support myself:

1. seeing my therapist more
2. still taking the citalopram
3. exercise (just did a 20 mins run)
4. baths
5. breathing / meditation

I run a business with staff relying on me and it was already struggling so am scared it's all going to fall apart.

A couple of side points:

a. I don't feel this really fits in with general anxiety, maybe these are just boxes
b. Often the anxiety comes in the form of strange energy sensations in my body (often in my head), they are are to describe. Anyone know what I am talking about?

Sorry for all the randomness here, I guess I'm looking for support, suggestions, ideas.

