Hello everyone, my name is John. I first saw this website today and I wanted to thank you for all the useful information.

Just to give a little bit of background for myself. I am 26 years old, 5' 9'' and 135 pounds. I do not drink but I do smoke some cigarettes.I rarely exercise and since all my anxiety problems started I haven' t been eating that well.

Some medical background: in the past year I has : probably around 20 ekgs maybe more, xrays of chest, ct of the chest, stress test, echo, holter monitor, blood work that included cardio crp and other tests. My blood pressure is normally 110/70 and all the above tests came out fine ofc.

For the past week I have been experiencing a lot of heart rate increase. I was at home after a stressful day and after eating I went to relax. While sitting in bed I could feel my heart rate going up and as soon as I got up my heart rate went up to at least 150. I got scared and took my blood pressure and it was at 165/85. I drove myself to the er, had an ekg and was released home... that happened twice more in the next four days with bp reaching 175/90 with 140 pulses before going to the er again... I went to my cardiologist with the ekg writing the second time "sinus tachycardia with pacs" . My doctor told me that we can do an event monitor for a month and another stress test but does not think it is anything. After all those things i can notice my heart racing almost all the time. When I get up,stand,sit down, even sometimes when I rest... it varies a lot, probably the worst around 160 or so, for no more than an hour or so.

Does anyone else have an increased heart rate with health anxiety? I mean, I understand being high sometimes, but almost all day?

Thanks you,