well 6 months in... 30mg Citalopram...

had a relatively good time through Christmas and January then February brought a blip, and since then I have had a few and now I am in another one... there seems to be no real reason, I just suddenly feel so down, everything is disturbed... work, appetite, sleeping, conversation...

I get a lot of tiredness, which I am unsure whether or not is really tiredness, but throughout my days, whether in a blip or not, I get confused, dazed and almost pass out, I took to napping in my car on lunch break but coming round form it take a good half hour or more... caffeine does nothing... sometimes it happens in the car on my way to work, my eyes become SO heavy they just want to close... but its a totally different kind of exhaustion than general "tiredness", say if id had a late night, or bad night sleep, its never EVER felt like this, its quite disturbing...

Today I woke up the lowest of lows, I wanted to crawl under my duvet and stay there... it was my birthday yesterday, which was "meh"... and tonight I have a meal out with family and friends, which I AM looking forward to and know i'll be happy once there... its just between now and then...

i just don't know... everything seems unknown to me, unfamilier, ive no motivation...

i just don't know :(