This morning I sliced the top of my finger off while making my daughter breakfast. I swore, rinsed with water, compressed wound and bandaged and walked my daughter to school.

Thing is, I wasn't going to go to the Dr at all about this. I ended up going as I work in customer service so type a lot and could not go into work. Management was being troublesome and would have dragged me in anyway so I thought I would go get a medical cert so they would leave me be.

It's a good thing I did as the Doc said no work for 3 days and that I needed a tetanus shot and wound properly dressed and a sling! Turns out it was worse than I thought...

Was just thinking I had actually hurt myself and initially had no plans to see a Dr at all! Yet, If I have one symptom of anything else I feel I must go and won't rest until I do!

My point is: Actually hurt myself - nah I don't need a doc
Slight possibility I might be ill - run to docs!