Hi, I'm Brian. Back in October of 2013 I had severe pain in my left side. After about a week or so of pain, I got the idea in my head that I had some form of colon cancer. Let me clarify, that no 1st degree relatives of mine have or have had colon cancer. My maternal grandmother did, but she is a survivor (x2 !!) and that was over 15 years ago since she had a resection and she is still plugging along at 94 years old.

Back to me. My severe pain in my left side turned out to be a large kidney stone. I underwent a lithotripsy and the stone was eliminated and the pain stopped. HOWEVER, my anxiety never let me let go of the colon cancer seed that had been planted.

During the kidney stone process I had a full torso CT, a full torso X-Ray, all of which came back with no abnormalities, masses, etc., other than the kidney stone. I still remained obsessed with the idea of colon cancer. My doctor gave me a fecal occult test to do at home. The kind where you take three samples on three separate days....all negative for blood. Four days ago I made a platelet donation at my local red cross and had a hemoglobin of 16.0

Three days ago, while wiping after a BM, I had a smear of red blood on the toilet paper. Nothing visible in the water or stool, just the paper. It has continued for 3 days, however in diminishing amounts....spotting as I would call it. My rear end is also very "raw" feeling only when I wipe. No pain or anything otherwise. SO, HERE GOES THE COLON CANCER FEAR again.

My doc (whom I saw this morning) is setting me up now to have the dreaded colonoscopy. I am scared to death. I have convinced myself that I am doomed and I really can't rationalize why. Here are some facts about me in summary.

42 years old
No weight loss - 203lbs give or take a pound or two last 3 doc appts
16.0 hemoglobin - tested this week (4/14/2014)
Great appetite - I could actually stand to lose a few lbs.
History of minor constipation - stool usually normal (well formed) with fiber supplements
Negative Fecal Occult test in March 2014
Stoll light (caramel brown) in color
"Unremarkable" CT in OCT 2013
Abdominal X-Ray in Oct 2013, again nothing report abnormal
No pain other than occasional gas cramps.
Change in bowel habits JUST over the last few days since the blood appeared and I became stressed.

I appreciate any honest opinions you guys might have !!
The ONLY things I have to base any of my fears on are matchstick head smears of bright red blood over the last few days and occasional cramps (not what I would call pain). They come and go.