Hi, I'm new here and wondered if anyone had any advice for me.
I've been diagnosed with Globus - I've had it since November 2013 - I've had a chest x ray, 2 endoscopies an ultra sound and nothing thankfully has been found. My Dr. now says it's what she thought it was in the first place, globus - she thinks it was brought on after I had 2 wisdom teeth out and was unable to chew food properly. She thinks failing to chew my food properly resulted in damage to the throat mechanism.... I seem to have all the symptoms of globus, some days it's worse than others. Does anyone else have this and if so is there anything that alleviates the sensation - my Dr. has advised me to scour the internet and then go back and discuss what I've learnt (if anything). She's given me some anti depressants to take at night but they don't seem to make any difference - so now I'm asking other people in the hope that something will help...