Hi there,
I'm new to this forum. Thought I would give it a try as I'm pretty low with constant anxiety and numerous full blown panic attacks every day. Permanently shaking and breathless. I know 'what' it is, but I just don't seem to be able to kick it. I have suffered for 20 years on and off, but at present its just about as bad as it could possibly be. Single mother, working from home, and am struggling to hold down very varied work contracts, which are very time-sensitive and stressful. Can't get out of the house much as the panics and anxiety make me agoraphobic.
Feel very isolated.
Tried citalopram for about 9 weeks, but the side-effects (even on just 10 mg) were horrendous, and didn't get much better after the 9 weeks, so I gradually weaned myself off them.
Doc has given me sertraline to try instead, but tbh I've got so much work I'm trying to get through that I can't bear the thought of going through weeks of just about every side effect listed, yet again.
Have recently started CBT, but that's not going very well, because I'm so exhausted with just getting through every day that I can't 'push' myself any further, and I seem to be spiralling ever-downwards.
Anyone got any advice? Sitting here with my hands shaking, breathless and having one palpitation after another on top of the racing heart. Pretty grim, really.