Is there a definition for mental strength? Is it always seeing the positive, no matter how bleak the situation might seem? Is it refusing to be beaten? Is it remaining calm under pressure? Is mental strength natural or is it something that you can develop?

I know that Richard Hammond has been described as mentally strong, so too has the footballer Alan Smith after breaking his leg.

Am I mentally weak for being so depressed and anxious? Or am I strong for continuing to fight it? Am I weak or sticking with a job that I hate and which makes me feel really ill or am I strong for not quitting?

I guess my nerves come from thinking "I couldn't handle it if something really bad happened to me or somebody that I love" and that makes me feel really weak. I can just imagine myself going to pot and being a wreck.

And that thinking has made my life very limited. I don't do things because I don't want to take chances and I'm constantly on my guard.

I've thought in the past that maybe I should start taking bereavement counselling NOW to prepare me for when someone that I love dies.

I know that I'm at a particular disadvantage to most people at the moment because I'm severely depressed and anxious, but how can I develop my mental strength? Is it positive thinking? Is it relaxation?

I guess that mental strength must be like physical strength and that there are exercises that you can do to build yourself up.

Anybody got any ideas?

Ships in harbour are safe..but that's not what ships were built for.