Well guess my anxiety must be well and up and running. After my attack in Tesco's yesterday (see other post), I went out for coffee this lunchtime with some colleagues from work. It was only meant to be me and another friend but she invited someone else I don't know well.

I have felt off all morning but on the way there I felt like my legs were too heavy to lift. I got my drink and sat down and as soon as I did my vision suddenly become cloudy. I could see objects clearly but it was as though they were shrouded in smoke. I tried to say it was just the lighting in there but I knew it wasn't and it started to get worse. Then my mouth started to tingle and I felt like I was going to pass out. Quite a lot similar to Tesco yesterday but no racing heart or pains in head, just a dull ache that's been there all day. I felt like I needed to jump up from the table or I would collapse. But I didn't and I didn't say anything to anyone but tried to carry on the conversation as much as I could. In the end I had to sneak a valium out of my bag. But it did now use, took it nearly hour and half ago and not much effect. The vision thing lasted about half an hour.

I had just stopped being scared of my feelings but what with all this new stuff, I'm really on edge again.

Anyone else had this. Was it an anxiety attack. Why have they suddenly hit me again. I don't feel an adrenalin surge, just suddenly weak and awful.

I'm annoyed because I was going to book going to Rome with a friend today. But now I'm putting it off. I want to go but know I won't cope if I'm still like this.

Any ideas what I should do guys?

