Hi guys, it's been quite awhile since I've been on here because I thankfully have been doing well and have been overall quite happy. However in the past few weeks my anxiety and depression have been making a comeback. I finished my nursing degree in august and got a job in a nursing home. I started in the nursing home at the end of september. I was SO excited about starting and leading up to it I had been in a great mood. Well to say the job wasnt for me would be a big understatement, I was so unhappy there, everything about it was just no enjoyable. The staff, the atmosphere, everything. It's not the field of nursing I had studied either so I just didnt feel it was for me at all. I gave it 3 weeks and then I decided I just had to leave, my mental health was just not good there and thats the most important thing to me. So I started doing agency work where I'd be sent all over the place to different places. In the country I live in you can't practice nursing until you are on the nursing register and that takes a month or 2 to happen once u get your results so up until the otherday I was just doing carestaff agency work. I received my pin number (what u get when ur officially on the register) on wednesday and so I did my very first proper nursing shift on Thursday. It was in a place I had never worked before and I was the only nurse on the unit. Throughout the whole day all I could think about was how much I wasn't enjoying it. I'm beyond terrified now that I just simply do not like nursing and i wasted 4 years studying it. I LOVED all my placements I did throughout my degree but the responsibility difference between that and being an actual nurse is insane. I'm so upset, anxious and depressed over the thought that maybe I just dont like it. Is this a normal way to feel when u start a new career? please someone give me some words of wisdom and advice because I feel like im on the verge of cracking up