Hey guys! I have been diagnosed with an iron deficiency as well as low Vitamin B12 and D. My doctor recommended 2 years ago that I take the Flintstones chewable vitamin with iron. I dismissed it cause I was worried about it staining my teeth and still am since I have braces. Well after doing lots of research on iron pills and buying one that I definitely couldn't take since the pill was black (I was thinking it would be red) I decided to go with her original suggestion and try the Flintstones. So my mom bought them for me and she tried them and didn't have any side effects and said they taste just like a sweet tart. But I'm very worried cause of my severe anxiety. I hate taking anything new! I already know what's going to happen. I'm going to try it and have a major panic attack and it will probably take some time to calm down afterwards. I'll probably pace back and forth and flail my hands and say how I don't feel good and all this. I just worry about side effects (I have a severe fear of throwing up) and worry that even if it doesn't cause any side effects that I might throw up anyway from the fear or the taste of it. It also doesn't help that I frequently feel nauseous (it comes and goes) and I don't know what's causing it. It could be anxiety, I'm not sure. But if I already feel nauseous often and then I take that, I'm just worried it might make me sick.

Does anyone have any suggestions/advice for me that might help me not panic as much while I take it?

Also, has anyone had any experience with vitamin deficiencies making anxiety worse?

Thanks everyone!