Hi, I'm new to the site and just started on Venlafaxine yesterday. I've only had two doses so far (37.5mg twice a day for a week, going up to 75mg twice a day in 7 days).

I've come off Mertazapine (after many others) and this is my last ditch attempt to get on something to feel normal again. I've only had 2 hours sleep during the last 48 hours. I've just been back to the doctor who has given me 5mg Diazapine (to alternate with Zopiclone) to get me thru the first couple of weeks whilst they kick in and to help me sleep at night.

I feel absolutely terrible though. I've got all the common side effects - I’m really shaky this morning, I’ve had tingling all down both arms, tinitus, nausea, hot and cold flushes all night, dry mouth and fuzzy head. I know these side effects will get less in time but I don't know if I can stand two weeks of this. I run my own business on my own so have no-one else to fall back on. I also have two children who need me in a good state of mind.

I can't imagine how I will feel when I increase the dose in a week's time, these tablets feel so strong!

I've got to take my 2nd dose of the day in just under an hour and am dreading it. I'm not looking forward to another sleepless night of nausea and hot/cold sweats.

Does anyone know why you have to take the meds with food? I'm really struggling to eat

Can anyone give me any advice on how to get thru this initial period please? Any tips would be greatly appreciated.