I had a chat with one of the doctors where I work yesterday, and I was telling her how I was feeling (I saw her back at the start of the summer). What concerns me most is my "IBS" type symptoms which I have had investigated, and I was reassured at the time, but as they haven't settled I am worrying about them again.

However, she picked up on my palpitations, listened to my heart and did an ECG, which is showing ectopics or missed beats or something (she did explain but my mind was so busy working overtime I didn't take it all in). The outcome of which is that she doesn't think it's anything to worry about, but is going to show it to a cardiologist to get an opinion on whether it needs investigating further.

This has completely freaked me out now, as my heart wasn't something I was worrying about! Maybe because you don't hear of many 35 year females that have heart attacks (but you hear of lots with cancer).

Now I am getting thumping and racing pulse continually!!!

Anyway, my questions and concerns are:

1) What am I doing to my body by getting so stressed out ? What other damage am I doing that I can't see or feel?

2) How can I break the cycle of worrying?

3) Has anyone else been diagnosed with IBS - I worry that mine isn't IBS because I don't have the classic pain/cramping, I just have abnormal bowel movements (either loose or small and pellety or nothing at all - never "normal").

I probably have loads more questions so I'll update this later, but I just needed to get a few things out of my head.

Hope someone can help, I'm so sick of feeling like this.