I've been to my doc 3 times about this and all he does is examine my neck and feel as I swallow and says everything is fine.

I have, for around 4 or 5 weeks now had this odd twinge in the side of my neck when I swallow saliva. When I eat food or swallow fluids, fine. It's when I swallow saliva from an empty mouth. For the record this is in my NECK, it is not in my throat.

I now find myself focusing on it and "gathering" saliva to test and see if it's still there. When I'm kept busy at work for example, I don't even notice it and painkillers such as Anadin or Neurofen take it away completely.

When I wake up in the morning for the first half hour or so worth of swallows it's not there. I have no pain when turning my head either way or up or down, etc.

My doc seems convinced that it's nothing more than a strain in "one of the many tiny muscles" in my neck. I have no problems eating or drinking and occasionally I get a feeling of a "ball" in my throat that I can feel when i swallow that feels like it travels down my back, just off centre to the right to about midway down.

Oddly enough for the last week it's been almost non existent but today it returned in a far more noticeable form. Maybe it is just a strain and I've focused on it that much I've made it something out of nothing.

I go on holiday to Italy with my wife soon and want to just look forward to that.

Has anyone experienced anything similar?