On Friday night I began projectile vomiting and then coming out the other end too (tmi sorry!) followed by sweating, shivering, body aches and vertigo. I had an extremely high temperature on Saturday night - I felt so awful, I thought at this point I wanted someone to put me out of my misery, my limbs were aching so much, it was agony to even leave the bed, and Sunday morning (yesterday) I woke up with yet more diarrhoea. Stomach cramps - severe were present from the first episode on Friday night, through until yesterday evening.
I've been able to keep down dry toast and cream crackers and tried some minestrone soup yesterday.
This morning (day three) I have had a looser stool than usual...it's not quite like before, but it's not back to normal and my stomach has been making strange noises all night and morning.
I've just eaten dry toast and a little jam and two cream crackers as I feel hungry, I've been drinking quite a lot of water and even had one of those sachets to replenish body salts.

The thing I am now worried about is the fact I feel very lightheaded when I stand up and weak. I just walked up the stairs and my heart was pounding, I was sweating and felt exhausted.
All of last night I woke up in sweats almost every hour - soaked.

Should I be worried or is this the after effects of the virus?