Hi all,

I want to say firstly that I've been using this site way too much recently and posting on it a fair bit, but I'm still having trouble sorting out my CBT appointments and am feeling a bit vulnerable ATM.

Anyway, I was actually doing quite well today until I knocked my head. I immediately (unfortunately) thought of all the terrible things that can happen from head trauma. However, mine was caused by leaning back and hitting my head on the edge of a picture frame on the wall behind the couch- it couldn't have been more than a 10cm "fall" (if you will). After having a feel around I found a dent in my skull which is tender and sore, so there's no doubt that I hit my head there. Unfortunately I can't really remember if it was there beforehand and I hit the dent or the dent came about from me hitting my head. However I don't feel that I hit it *that* hard, it was a decent whack though not ridiculous but I guess since I can't know for sure it could be a fracture or something.

My issue is I'm on holiday with my parents- my mum is quite frustrated with my HA though she tries to understand. I don't go to the gp for every symptom I have but I do go way too often and obviously worry way too much and had to go the ER a couple of weeks ago at the advice of a nurse due to suspected stroke (it was actually bad sleep paralysis). As a result, my mum is quite exasperated by me at times, which I understand. While I didn't pass out/vomit/have vision disturbances and I've only had a very mild headache, I think it's possible that I could have concussion as I was nauseated for a little bit about 2 hrs after I hit my head and felt a bit confused/brain foggy around the same time- like I could still understand everything but it was harder. I do also get these symptoms when I get panicky which I definitely was but I'd rather not pin them on that given what happened. For what it's worth, I hit my head about 5 hrs ago now and nothing's changed (I've not slept either- it was around 12:30 am). I would've told my parents when it happened but they were asleep. I'm hoping it's nothing major as I really don't feel that a blow that minor could break my skull but I don't want to just leave it either. I'm definitely not looking for a diagnosis, just advice. Does it seem warranted for me to get this checked out?

I don't want to annoy my parents by ruining today for them with my anxiety but I think knocks to the head probably warrant a gp visit if they're bad... idk, sorry for the rambling post, I'm super tired! Advice/thoughts would be really appreciated here- thanks