and while on here, I guess I found a bunch of people with the same problems as me. This is great! Anyways, I went to the doctor for anxiety, and panic disorder. I have never taken meds for it but when I went a whole week without eating and had a panic attack I was through. So I thought they would give me xanax or something to that effect. Instead they gave me this one thing, and then the citalopram. I have never taken this type of med and I was so scared. This is only day two for me and I am starting with a half as my doc told me to do. I guess my question is, does this stuff make people whack, is it going to make me sick, is it going to make me depressed when I wasnt depressed to begin with, will it make me a zombie, does it work like a downer, ext ext. I want to have a social life and I am worried about beer with the med. If anyone can answer these questions and tell me if this med has helped them, I would be so thankful. help me out if you can. Let me know if I need to ditch this crap

thanx Bran