Hello everyone

Its been about 9 months now since my anxiety started. Although I am very very much better, and holding my head above water, Im still getting a good dunking more often and for longer than Id like.

My question is how does your partner handle this? Do you feel that if you give in to your impulse to discuss it with him/her there comes a time when you can see their pain and you just feel totally guilty and resolve to keep it to yourself? I have told my husband that I wouldnt be surprised if he wanted a divorce just so that he could be happy with someone else, and the kids to be happy too. Although he says he doesnt want to do that I cannot believe that he can bear me, it must be totally awful for him. Last week he started to suffer from what I think are anxiety symptoms himself and I felt soooooo bad, I have infected him with this awful condition. Poor man has a stressful job, comes home to a wife who might be ok but might be in tears - what about him and his needs?

I feel that this condition makes me very selfish, all I can think about when I feel bad is how bad I feel and will I ever get better etc etc, and I totally forget about everyone else's needs and feelings.

Id love to know how all this affects your partners and would be very grateful for any advice.
