I get this constant battle it distressing and very tiring atm ive got a heart problem this is what ive convince myself last week it was stomache ulcer or cancer went to drs for results all clear.. whats made me think a heart problem is I keep getting pains in my left arm.. which I think is just carpel tunnel as I developed it while pregnant not pregnant anymore but I still have it..?? so im thinking of a heart problem but I havw read if it dont go away chances are it isnt a heart problem it more like muscular or a tendon or trapped nerve I neck although im always trying to convince myself it not heart I'll get another twinge and im back to square one again.. and I do excesize which easiers it yet anothwr sign it isnt heart problem cos it'r get worse on cos I always think its my heart I then tense up so much I get palpations which then leads me thinking it certainly is my heart.... everyday is a battle im scared to go drs again because I will panic and cos I tjink its my heart and it wont beable to handle the stress...?? I really could do with some reassurance and someone to tell me its okay and tell me symptoms of a heart problem to see if I have got a bad heart