Iv had a relapse.Havent had a panic attack since about August,although Im anxious all the time.Yesterday went to go to the shops with my parents 5 min into the journey started to get all the feelings of an PA.I asked my dad to turn round,I wanted to go to my safe place of home.He took me home and I calmed down,didnt get into a full blown panic Im please to say.We then tried again to venture out,I wasnt going to let this beat me.I read the paper until we got to the shops.I managed to stay out for about half an hour.When I got home I kept getting these feelings of panic,but without going into a flew blown attack,which was horrid.I then slept for 2 hours.
Today I woke up with cramp,very anxious and down.I was eating my lunch today and started to come over panicky for nothing.All day I have felt like S...:(Im very negative,feel sick.I ache all over and just want to curl up and disapear.I keep getting these feeling of wanting to lash out.Its scarey.The negative thoughts are coming in.
Sorry for the moan[|)]

Ellen XX