Well, my recovery from anxiety continues. I have managed to keep seeing off the anxiety that is still around from my panic attack, and at times I have begun to feel really happy and content. The trouble is, the times I feel like I am relaxing, I seem to be a little further away, and end up feeling very distant.
This starts inducing a mild anxiety, and I'm sure is basically what ended up causing my panic attack. This feeling of depersonalization, when it's around, I'm sure that's what made me felt like I was loosing control. Now I realise that this is also a result of my anxiety, but I can't seem to find advice to help me work at overcoming it. I really want to be able to work at everything, and simply achieving a state of depersonalization isn't satisfaction.
Has anyone found any helpful thought patterns or whatnot to help? Sometimes I feel like this when the Sun is going down - which is so early now, maybe it's a bit seasonal. I used to run a lot but now feel like I can't due to the poor light.