I found the link below when researching supplements, and from that link, on to look at SAMe (2nd link). I have decided to try to augment my antidepressant with natural supplements, in an effort to keep the dose down this winter. Being able to make do with less, if possible, was suggested to me as a strategy against "poop out". I don't know how much this strategy has been studied or anything ... but I figure it's worth a try. And if, down the road, my medication poops out anyway, I will have a natural protocol to follow once that's resolved.

For those of you not taking psychotropics who are trying to cobble together such a natural supplement protocol, the first link may be helpful. And for those of us who need an extra boost and would rather not take yet a higher dose or yet another medication, the second link provides some food for thought!

and that link for SAMe,

It's true, it's true, SAMe is very expensive, but it has applications for pain and more, as well.

As for "B vitamins", I have finally found a tonic that doesn't make me anxious (I actually feel calmer since taking it), and gives me lots of energy, too! This is the first time I have been able to take a B supplement without stomach upset, and I love the effects! (Take it before meals). NOTE: cannot be taken with MAOIs. I take an SNRI (Effexor) and have taken it for a couple of weeks, works great for me already!
