
Please can someone give me some advice, i have been on 10 mg of citalopram for nearly 6 weeks, however they have not helped, so on Thursday i upped the dose to 20 mg as prescribed by the docs, but i feel really bad again, so depressed and out of it today, had bad panic in town today, where i couldnt control my thoughts and i couldnt think straight,

The feeling of losing my mind and depression is my main symptom it starts me off with major panic, i feel so far inside my body that i cant make contact with the real world, i suffer with headaches and have convinced myself that i am about to die, i think this all day every day and i feel so close to death its weird, i feel the world is grey, everything is so far way from how i used to be like.

Is it normal to feel so bad again after uping the dose, im scared im losing my mind, will it improve, these tablets are supposed to help with depression but i feel bad again i feel like my chest and stoamch is being sucked out, i also cant feel emotion.

I am scared


Claire x